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“non-aligned (Figaro’s degradation)” acrylic, sand, ink, water-soluble oil medium, pigment, varnish. 30” x 30” x 2.6”. 2025.

“gorgon (Dis Pater suite)” pastel on canvas, acrylic on wood, pigment on wall, felt. Dimensions variable. 2023-24.

“gorgon (Dis Pater suite)” detail: “right apotropaion – Pseudo-Megaera”, pastel on canvas, acrylic on wood, pigment on wall. Approx 26” x 52” x 3”. 2023.

“gorgon (Dis Pater suite)” detail: “right apotropaion – Pseudo-Pertunda”, pastel on canvas, acrylic on wood, pigment on wall. Approx 26” x 52” x 3”. 2023.

“post-human (Pseudo-Moneta)” gouache, acrylic, ink on paper, graphite, acrylic and metal foil on canvas, graphite on wall. dimensions variable. 2021

“courtesy lounge” detail 01. modified office clock, graphite on wall, newsprint, custom inlaid coffee table, acrylic, paper, pre-fabricated steel bench. 2021.

“courtesy lounge” detail 02. modified clock, graphite on wall, newsprint, custom inlaid coffee table, acrylic, cardstock, pre-fabricated steel bench. 2021.

“post-human (bare life, Karnes County Residential Center, 2011)” graphite and acrylic on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2017.

“post-human (bare life, Cuernavaca, August 22, 2010)” graphite, acrylic, colored pencil on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2017.

“post-human (bare life, unidentified Salvadoran, Brooks County TX, 2014)” graphite, acrylic, colored pencil on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2017.

“post-human (unidentified, Cuernavaca, 2011)” graphite on paper, graphite on wall and floor, dimensions variable, 2015.

detail - “post-human (unidentified, Cuernavaca, 2011)” graphite on paper, fragment 56 x 76 cm, 2015.

detail - “post-human (unidentified, Cuernavaca, 2011)” graphite on paper, fragment 56 x 76 cm, 2015.

detail - “post-human (unidentified, Cuernavaca, 2011)” graphite on paper, fragment 56 x 76 cm, 2015.

detail - “post-human (unidentified, Cuernavaca, 2011)” graphite on paper, fragment 56 x 76 cm, 2015.

“post-human (Patrick Bateman)” graphite on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2013.

“post-human (unidentified, Nuevo Laredo, 2011)” graphite on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2012.

“post-human (Roy Batty)” graphite on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2013.

“post-human (purity)” graphite on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2016.

“post-human (Daniel Plainview)” graphite on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2016.

“post-human (Barton Fink)” graphite on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2014.

“post-human (unidentified, Abbottabad, 2011)” graphite on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2011.

“post-human (faith)” graphite on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2011.

“aged girl (Marguerite Duras)” graphite on paper, 28 x 41 cm, 2015.

“hocus pocus (Kurt Vonnegut)”, graphite on paper, 28 x 82 cm, 2016.

detail - “hocus pocus (Kurt Vonnegut)”, graphite on paper, 2016.